FireFly Seletar to Subang Malaysia $69 for One Way
FireFly from Singapore Seletar Airport to Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport
Subang aka Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport to Kuala Lumpur Sentral 18KM
KLIA2 to Kuala Lumpur Sentral 56KM
Alternative transportation from Signapore to Kuala Lumpur via Firefly Airplane fr $69.
Flight duration : 1 hrs 20 min

One day at least 5 flight from singapore FireFly Seletar to Subang Malaysia
FireFly Seat Map for trip singapore selatar to subang airport malaysia.

FireFly Website detail
Firefly airline a subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines
Within Singapore +65 3158 8279
Operating Hours : Daily 8.00am – 8.00pm
Trip From Singapore to Genting By Flight:
Seletar Airport -> Subang Aiport -> KL Sentral -> Awane Bus Terminal
KL Sentral to Awana Bus Terminal Genting Malaysia.
First bus depart from KL sentral to Awana Bus Terminal : 8:30am
Last Bus Depart From KL sentral to Awana Bus Terminal : 7:00pm
Awana Bus Terminal Genting to KL Sentral.
First Bus Depart From Awana Bus Terminal Genting to KL Sentral : 8:30am
Last Bus Depart From Awana Bus Terminal Genting to KL Sentral : 8:45pm

KL Sentral to Awana Bus Terminal Bus Fare :
Adult : RM 20 , Child : RM 17 Senior & Handicap RM12
Checklist for travellers from Singapore before departure:
- Take a pre-departure test within 2 days of departure (for air and sea travellers)
- Download the MySejahtera application
- Fill up the Digital Pre-departure Form under the ‘Traveller’ icon on the MySejahtera app.
- Verify your COVID-19 digital vaccination certificates here. If you have previously verified your digital vaccination certificate on the MySejahtera application, you can skip this step.
- All short-term foreign visitors from Singapore who are partially vaccinated or not vaccinated, are required to have COVID-19 travel insurance for their COVID-19-related medical treatment and hospitalisation costs in Malaysia, with a minimum coverage of US$20,000