Joey Yung Love In Resorts World Genting 2022- Genting Concert 2022
In 1999, Yung launched his career with EP 1 Joey Yung, which yielded the chart-topping song Unknown, a cover of Jennifer Paige’s US hit Crush. Yung has been at the forefront of Hong Kong’s music industry for over 20 years. The Hong Kong IFPI Album charts still show Joey’s EP 1 as the top sales artist of all time, with a record-breaking 130,000 copies sold. There were several more hit songs and albums that followed, including My Pride, which won a slew of top song of the year awards in 2003, Evade You, Can’t Afford To Miss, Grand Debut, Science of the Heart, and Tree With A Thousand Flowers. Singing in both Cantonese and Mandarin, Yung has won the IFPI Hong Kong Best Selling Female Singer award seven times, cementing her position as one of Hong Kong’s greatest musical stars.
容祖儿是于1999年初试啼声,凭着荣登金曲榜榜首的第一张迷你专辑『未知』,开启了她叱咤香港乐坛超过20年之路。容祖儿的首支主打《未知》,改编自Jennifer Paige的名曲《Crush》,销售量不仅达到惊人的13万张,还成为了蝉联香港国际唱片协会(IFPI)唱片销售榜长达23个星期的新人歌手,至今仍无人可以打破这个记录。随后,容祖儿陆续推出许多经典名曲和专辑,包括勇夺2003年年度歌曲奖的《我的骄傲》、《逃避你》、《不容错失》、《隆重登场》、《全身暑假》、《這分鐘更愛你》、《心淡》和《争气》等等,全部都是陪伴樂迷成長的大熱金曲!
中文粤语双攻的容祖儿,曾7度夺下香港IFPI年度最高销量女歌手奖,进一步奠定了其香港乐坛巨星的地位。风格多变的容祖儿在其歌手生涯中涉猎了不同的音乐风格,她同时也拥有超强的舞台爆发力。容祖儿的演唱会门票经常都在短时间内被歌迷秒杀。2019年8月,為慶祝入行20週年,在香港紅館舉行 一連19場演唱會,25萬張門票一日之內被歌迷搶購一空,成為一時佳話。随着她的巡演拓展至东南亚、澳洲、加拿大、美国和英国,坐实了她为国际巨星的头衔。在2011年,容祖儿更是成为了首名进驻英国伦敦皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举办首场欧洲演唱会的华人女歌手。

Joey Yung Love In Resorts World Genting 2022
Date: 05.11.2022 (Saturday)
Location: Arena of Stars Genting
Booking Page: Genting Website

Ticket Pricing Joey Yung Love In Resorts World Genting 2022
Seating Type | Normal Price | Genting Rewards Members’ Rates |
VIP | RM1,026 | RM923.40 / 923.40GP |
PS1 | RM776 | RM698.40 / 698.40GP |
PS2 | RM506 | RM455.40 / 455.40GP |
PS3 | RM316 | RM316 / 316GP |
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