Direct Bus Singapore to Segamat. If you are planning to travel from Singapore to Segamat or vice versa, there is a reliable and affordable bus service that you can take. The operating days and hours of this bus service are different depending on the direction of travel.
If you are traveling from Singapore to Segamat, the bus operates only on Friday night. The pickup points are 1900 Serangoon Nex Mall Exit E Taxi Stand and 1945 Jurong East Venture Ave Bus Stop No 4. The bus can drop you off at Yong Peng, Chaah, Labis, or Segamat via Tuas 2nd link. The selling price for this service is $25.00 per person for a 49 or 50-seater bus.
On the other hand, if you are traveling from Segamat to Singapore, the bus operates on Saturday and Sunday. The pickup points are 1400 Segamat, 1445 Labis, 1515 Chaah, and 1545 Yong Peng. The bus can drop you off at Tuas 2nd link and the selling price for this service is $20.00 per person for a 49 or 50-seater bus.
It is important to note that the bus service only operates at the specified times and days. Therefore, it is important to plan your trip accordingly. The bus service provides a convenient and affordable way to travel between Singapore and Segamat.
The bus service mentioned above is operated by Diamond Coach Singapore Pte Ltd, a reputable transportation company that has been providing quality services to customers for many years. The brand name of the bus service is Diamond Coach.
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If you would like to make a booking or have any inquiries about Diamond Coach’s services, you can contact them at +65 6909 7833.
Alternatively, you can also email them at [email protected]. This is a convenient way to make a booking or ask any questions that you may have. The company strives to respond to all emails promptly and provide the necessary information.